The OMG-ULTRACOMM2-PCI provides two field selectable RS-232/422/485 serial ports for control and automation applications. Configure both ports as RS-232 for standard serial COM: port requirements. Choose RS-422 for long distance device connections at up to 4000 feet where noise immunity and high data integrity are essential. Multi-drop up to 31 RS-485 devices to each port in a RS-485 bus for automated data collection. Mix the interfaces in any of the interface combinations to provide maximum flexibility to your communications. In both RS-232 and RS-422 modes, the card works seamlessly with the standard operating system serial driver. In RS-485 mode, our auto enable feature enables the RS-485 line driver during character transmission and disables the driver afterward allowing the standard COM: driver to be utilized for RS-485 communications.
A serial utility diskette is supplied with the OMG-ULTRACOMM2-PCI which includes all the Windows and DOS tools necessary to verify the installation and operation of the board. Windows utilities include .INF files for Windows installation and also a Windows NT COM: Port Installation Utility. DOS utilities include a diagnostic program to verify card address and examine the UART, a diagnostic serial loopback test program and an interrupt driven DOS serial port driver.
COPY [To Your Hard Drive] Serial Utility Disk Now! (For DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT)
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